Taree Kebabs

Current address, telephone number, work hours, people's testimonies Taree Kebabs. This company belongs to the following categories: establishment and food. You can find Taree Kebabs at 60 Manning Street, Taree, New South Wales 2430.


Postal address:
60 Manning Street, Taree, New South Wales 2430
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Phone number:
+61 2 6551 7222

Establishment   Food  

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Reviews about Taree Kebabs

  • Daniel
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    We were ordering kebabs stated at $9.50 each, while thinking they were pricey as you can usually pick them up between $7.50-$9.00 I figured there would be no extra costs for cheese etc however when it came to the payment it was actually $11.50 per kebab (I have no idea what the extra costs were as it wasn't stated anywhere along when choosing your salads that anything costs extra). So being pretty shocked at the pricing I figured it would be pretty good, I was wrong. The pastry was stale and tasted off so I went to tell them. Instead of being helpful they were completely defensive and just made up excuses so we ended up throwing out two kebabs since no other option was given to us, and for our trouble we got food poisoning from the bites we did take. I really recommend staying away from this restaurant as the staff are very unfriendly and the food is of poor quality.
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